Dr. Santiago Pagani from the Chair for Embedded Systems awarded the ACM “Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award”
Dr. Santiago Pagani from the Chair for Embedded Systems has been awarded the ACM “Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award” from SIGBED (Special Interest Group Embedded Systems of ACM) for his PhD thesis entitled “Power, Energy, and Thermal Management for Clustered Manycores".
The award description reads: “The award recognizes outstanding doctoral dissertations that significantly advance the state of the art in the science of embedded systems, in the spirit and legacy of Dr. Paul Caspi's work”. The award includes a certificate for the author and an honorarium of 2000 USD. Dr. Pagani received the award at the recent Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPSWeek) in Pittsburgh, PA, that took place from April 18-21 2017. The photo shows Dr. Pagani at the award ceremony on Wed. April 19th.