Information at the Core of Science, Society and Economy
In all areas of economy and society information plays a central role: We are surrounded by an increasing number of intelligent technical information systems which are equipped with capabilities like interaction, environmental awareness and self-adaptation.
The KIT Center Information · Systems · Technologies (KCIST) investigates and designs complex adaptive technical systems for a secure and efficient handling of information, based on competences like algorithmics, software engineering, cloud computing and scientific computing, secure communication systems and big data technologies as well as intuitive human-machine interfaces, human centered robotics, industrial robotics and automation. Hence, it bundles interdisciplinary competences across KIT-divisions, in particular from informatics, economics, electrical and mechanical engineering, information technology as well as social science. The major objective of the center is to promote research and innovation as well as technology transfer between KIT and its partners in academia and industry both at a national and an international level.

With the SMARTI³ project (Scalable Manipulation Learning through AR-Enhanced Teleoperation enabling Intuitive Interactive Instructions), Professor Neumann wants to improve the ability of robots to carry out complex tasks in real environments.
He has been granted around 2.4 million euros for his research.
With the ERC Consolidator Grants, the European Research Council (ERC) funds projects by outstanding scientists who completed their doctorate seven to twelve years ago and whose own independent research group is in the consolidation phase.
Futher information02.07.2024
What is real-world laboratory research, how can it change city life and how can you get involved?
We will get to the bottom of these questions at the Real:lab Festival from 2 to 6 July 2024.
The Real:lab Festival brings together numerous contributions from real-world lab researchers at KIT. KIT real-world laboratories with different focal points invite you to get to know each other and exchange ideas with other researchers and practitioners.
InformatiKOM 1 opens its doors on Saturday, 6 July 2024. From 14:00 - 18:00, visitors can experience research on robotic artificial intelligence up close.
Further information
KIT has joined the Cyber Valley Innovation Campus, Europe's largest and leading center for artificial intelligence (AI) and modern robotics.
This was announced on June 21, 2024 at the opening of the ELLIS Institute in Tübingen, a Cyber Valley flagship project to strengthen the network between top AI researchers from all over Europe.
To the press release (only German)
The Robotics Institute Germany (RIG), jointly established by Germany’s leading robotics centers, is to become the central contact point for robotics in Germany. The goal of RIG is to strengthen Germany's global competitiveness and technological sovereignty in AI-based robotics. The initial conditions are favorable: Germany’s roboticists are among the global leaders in AI-based robotics and have made significant contributions to the international robotics landscape. "However, Germany has so far lacked a strategic approach that bundles the existing potential and utilizes synergies to secure Germany's long-term competitiveness and promote excellence and economic growth. We will establish the RIG as a nationally recognized and internationally unique institute that shapes cutting-edge research, education and innovation in AI-based robotics and aligns it with Germany's needs," explains RIG spokesperson Prof. Tamim Asfour from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Further information
Dr. Frederike Dümbgen, INRIA and Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, will give a talk about "A Program of Research for Globally-Optimal State Estimation in Robotics" on Thursday, June 06, 2024 at 09:30 in the Atrium of InformatiKOM I, Bldg. 50.19, Adenauerring 12.
Further information
The Chair of High-Performance Humanoid Technologies invites you to a lab tour as part of the Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung on Friday, June 07, 2024 from 16:00 - 21:00 in in InformatiKOM, Building 50.19. This lab tour will provide an insight into how robots can support us in all areas of our everyday lives in the future. You will also have the opportunity to interact with one of the various humanoid robots yourself.
In addition to the humanoid robots, exoskeletons and prostheses for training and supporting people in coping with everyday life will also be presented. In addition, the learning of human abilities from observation will be made experienceable.

No. 01 May 2023 (German, PDF, 888 KB)
(German, PDF, 730 KB)